Friday, August 28, 2009

Some ideas about dinner you may not think about. What a great concept this program is!

Facts That Can't Be Ignored...

- The average parent spends 38.5 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children. (A.C. Nielsen Co.)

- Family dinners are more important than play, story time and other family events in the development of vocabulary of younger children. (Harvard Research, 1996)

- Frequent family meals are associated with a lower risk of smoking, drinking and using drugs; with a lower incidence of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts; and with better grades in 11 to 18 year olds. (Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 2004.)

- Adolescent girls who have frequent family meals, and a positive atmosphere during those meals, are less likely to have eating disorders. (University of Minnesota, 2004)

Take A Moment To Reflect...

▪ Do you struggle with what to feed your family each evening?

▪ Do you waste too much of your precious time making several trips to the grocery store each week?

▪ Do you spend $200 at the grocery store every week and still not seem to have anything in the house to prepare a healthy meal?

▪ How much money would you have if you put the money you normally spend eating out each month into a jar instead? What would you do with that extra money?

▪ How often does your entire family gather around the security of your dinner table to enjoy a home-cooked meal, relax, and share about your day?

Dine Without Whine - A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Plan
Dine Without Whine

Click the above link to find out more or check out the video below:
Family Dinner Video
Dine Without Whine

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